2022年4月14日,中心兼职研究员杨攻研的论文《Does digital infrastructure cut carbon emissions in Chinese cities?》发表在《Sustainable Production and Consumption》2023(35)上。
China has made remarkable progress in the construction of its digital infrastructure in recent years. The role of digital infrastructure in the reduction of emissions has become increasingly prominent. This study attempted to assess the impact of digital infrastructure on carbon emissions and identify its mechanism based on panel data for 215 Chinese cities from 2011 to 2019. The empirical results indicate that digital infrastructure has significantly increased total carbon emissions, per capita carbon emissions, and carbon intensity in Chinese cities, with marginal effects of 1.818, 0.0515, and 0.995, respectively. The conclusions still hold after a series of robustness tests such as introducing instrumental variable estimation and the exogenous policy shock of Broadband China. The mechanism analysis indicates that digital infrastructure could inhibit urban carbon mitigation and energy conservation by inducing per capita energy consumption, total energy inputs, marginal diminishing factor productivity gains, and increasingly energy intensity. The carbon emission trading scheme can effectively mitigate the effect of digital infrastructure in Chinese cities, while the energy-consuming right trading system does not mitigate the environmental externalities of digital infrastructure. This study may help policymakers better understand the effect of digital infrastructure on the environment, and it presents policy implications related to the accelerating construction of digital infrastructure in China.
杨攻研,经济学博士,现任辽宁大学国际经济政治学院教授,博士生导师,副院长。在《Review of International Political Economy 》、《世界经济与政治》、《中国社会科学》(内部文稿)、《当代亚太》、《统计研究》等期刊发表论文三十余篇,在《人民日报》、《半月谈》等权威媒体发表评论性文章多篇,相关成果多次被《人大复印报刊资料》转载。主持国家社科基金、国家社科基金重大项目子课题及省部级课题十余项,荣获2021年商务部商务发展研究成果奖、2018年第六届辽宁省哲学社会科学成果奖(二等奖)、2019年第七届辽宁省哲学社会科学成果奖(二等奖)(2)等。入选辽宁大学首届“青年拔尖人才”,担任中国世界经济学会理事、新兴经济体研究会理事、日本法政大学比较经济研究所兼任研究员