

发布日期:2018-11-16 作者: 浏览次数:


基本情况/Professional Profile

政治学博士,辽宁大学转型国家经济政治研究中心 助理研究员

Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science,Assistant professor at Research Centre for the Economies and Politics of Transitional Countries of Liaoning University




西南大学  思想政治教育专业 法学学士. Bachelor of Science, School of Politics and Public Administrations, South West University, China.  

中国人民大学 国际关系专业 法学硕士.Master of Science, School of International Studies, Renmin University, China.

圣彼得堡国立大学 国际关系专业 政治学博士.Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia


工作经历/Work Experience

澳门大学 国际关系专业 博士后项目.Postdoctoral Fellowships in faculty of Social Sciences of University of Macau

中山大学 国际关系学院 专职研究员.Assistant Professor at School of International Relations of Sun Yat-sen University.


语言能力/Language Skills

英语:大学英语六级. English: CET-6

俄语:俄语托福三级. Russia : TOEFL-3 (ТРКИ-3)

究领域/Areas of expertise

俄罗斯安全战略 国际关系中的话语与身份认同.

National Security Strategy of Russia, dscouse and identity in IR



  教育部国别和区域研究2019年度课题(项目编号19GBQY061).Project of The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (MOE) on International and Area Studies in 2019. (Project approval number19GBQY061 )



  1. 孔桥雨:《对抗中的整合与重生:俄罗斯身份认同与国家安全》,载《中国非传统安全研究报告(2017-2018)》,第154-168页。Kong Qiaoyu: Integration and Renewal in Confrontation: Russian Identity and National Security //Blue Book of Non-traditional Security (2017-2018). P.154-168.

  2. 孔桥雨:《俄罗斯国家认同形成及其发展趋势》,载《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》2019年第4,第76-91页。Kong Qiaoyu: The Formation of Russian National Identity and Its Development Trend // Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies. 2019, № 4. P.76-92.

  3. 孔桥雨:《俄罗斯人国家身份认同及其对中俄关系的影响——基于普京第三任期以来的民意调查数据》,载《中国非传统安全研究报告(2018-2019)》,第236-257页。Kong Qiaoyu: Russians’ National Identity and its Impact on Sino-Russian Relations: Based on Polls since Putin’s Third Term // Blue Book of Non-traditional Security (2018-2019). P.236-257.

  4. Кун  Цяоюй, У Декунь: Перспективы китайско-монгольских отношений в контексте российско-китайского партнерства, Университетский научный журнал, 2017 № 31pp.161-169 . 孔桥雨、吴德坤:《中俄伙伴关系背景下的中蒙关系前景》,《高校科研期刊》,俄联邦高等资格审查委员会(ВАК)认定刊物。Kong Qiaoyu, Wu Dekun: Prospects of Sino-Mongolia Relations in the Context of the Russian-Chinese partnership//University Journal. 2017, № 31. P.161-169.

  5. Кун Цяоюй: Перспективы инициативы «Один пояс-один путь» в развитии Российско-китайских экономических отношений, Теория и практика общественного развития2017 № 5pp. 83-87. 孔桥雨《中俄经济关系发展背景下一带一路倡议的前景》,《社会发展的理论与实践》,俄联邦高等资格审查委员会(ВАК)认定刊物。 Kong Qiaoyu:Prospects of One Belt One Road Initiative in the Development of Russia-China Economic Relations// Theory and Practice of Social Development. 2017, № 5.p. 83-86.

  6.  Кун Цяоюй: Модель традиционной китайской философии в современном китайском антитеррористическом политическом дискурсе, Университетский научный журнал,2014 № 7pp. 102-109. 孔桥雨:《中国哲学文化模式在当代中国反恐政治话语中的应用》,载《高校科研期刊》,俄联邦高等资格审查委员会(ВАК)认定刊物。Kong Qiaoyu:Traditional Chinese Philosophical Model in the Context of Modern Chinese Antiterrorism Political Discourse in China//University Journal. 2014, № 7. p.102-108.

  7. Кун Цяоюй: Коммунистическая модель в современном китайском антитеррористическом дискурсе, Теория и практика общественного развития, 2014 № 4,pp. 183-187. 孔桥雨:《当代中国反恐话语中的社会主义文化模式》,载《社会发展的理论与实践》,俄联邦高等资格审查委员会(ВАК)认定刊物Kong Qiaoyu:Communist Mode in the Modern Chinese Antiterrorism Political Discourse //Theory and Practice of Social Development. 2014, № 4. p.183-185.

  8. Кун Цяоюй: Анализ модели традиционной китайской философии для дискурс-анализа, Научное мнение,2014 № 4, pp.188-192. 孔桥雨:《浅析中国哲学话语分析模式》,期刊《科学观点》,俄联邦高等资格审查委员会(ВАК)认定刊物Kong Qiaoyu:Analysis of Traditional Chinese Philosophy Model for Discourse Analysis //Scientific Opinion. 2014, № 4. p.188-191.

  9. Кун Цяоюй: Сравнение антитеррористического дискурса Д.У. Буша и Б. Обамы, Вестник Орловского государственного университета, 2013 № 6, pp.240-243. 孔桥雨:《比较分析小布什与奥巴马反恐话语》,载《奥尔洛夫国立大学学报》俄联邦高等资格审查委员会(ВАК)认定刊物。Kong Qiaoyu:Contrast of Antiterrorism Discourse of G. W. Bush and B. Obama //Journal of Oryol State University. 2013, № 6. p.240-243.

  10. Кун Цяоюй: Роль СМИ в борьбе с международным терроризмом, Сборник научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции по теме «Проблемы науки и образования: теория и практика», Часть IV. с.109-114. 30.09.2013.《媒体在反恐中作用》,载国际科学实践会议合集《科教发展问题:理论与实践》第4卷,第109-114页,2013 930日。Kong Qiaoyu:The Role of Mass Media in antiterrorism campaign //Compile for International Conference ‘Problems in the Development of Science and Education: Theory and Practice’, Part 4, September 30,2013.

  11. Kong Qiaoyu: Analysis of China's Rise from the Perspective of Chinese Traditional Culture, International Conference Collection on Scientific practices 'Prospects of scientific and educational development'. Part V, pp.20-25. July 2014. 孔桥雨:《中国传统文化视角下看中国崛起》,载国际科学实践会议合集《科教发展前景》第5卷,第20-25页,20147月。